Trans Day of Remembrance 2023

Trans Day of Remembrance 2023

TDOR was started in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honour the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was killed in an act of anti-transgender violence in 1998.

Each year on the 20th of November Transgender Day of Remembrance is observed to honour, commemorate and memorialise those who face discrimination and stigma.

This is particularly poignant given the tragic death of Brianna Ghey who was killed in Culcheth on the 11th February this year not far from our Warrington Offices .

Participate in Transgender Day of Remembrance by attending and/or organizing a vigil on November 20 to honour all those transgender people whose lives were lost to anti-transgender violence that year, and learning about the violence affecting the transgender community. Below is a link to an article on Stonewall detailing events throughout the country

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